Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2008; 12 (4): 267-270 Antinuclear antibodies prevalence in Filipinos migrated to Italy F. Cacciapaglia a, L. Arcarese a, A. Rigon a, M. Vadacca a, M.G. Valorani b, P. Pozzilli b, A. Afeltra a
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2008; 12 (1): 67-69 HCV co-infection does not affect the TREC/IL-7 pathway in HIV disease R. Cianci, A. De Luca*, G. Cammarota, R. Cauda*, F. Pandolfi
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2008; 12 (1): 41-46 Active thymopoiesis in idiopathic chronic pancreatitis R. Cianci 1, C. Spada 2, V. Perri 2, G. Cammarota 1, R. Urgesi 2, S. Lolli 1, E. Girardi 3, G. Costamagna 2, F. Pandolfi 1
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