Before publication

Revised Articles

Revised articles must be submitted again within 2 months, otherwise will be considered as withdrawn.

Accepted Articles

The accepted articles must be paid before publication. Payment is due within 30 days from acceptance. Articles are then published within three months from the payment date (Standard track) or within 40 days from the payment date (Superfast track).

Galley Proofs

To ensure a fast publication process of the articles accepted for publication, we kindly ask authors to provide us with their proof corrections within three days. The Corresponding Author will receive an e-mail containing the galley proof. The galley proofs can be downloaded as a PDF file. Authors can annotate and upload their edits on the PDF version or provide them in a separate word document. All instructions for proofing will be given in the e-mail that we send to the authors. We discourage excessive changes made to the proofs by the authors (usually exceeding 300 characters).

Authors must check carefully the typesetting, editing, correctness and completeness of the text (including author names, affiliations and corresponding author information), figures and tables. At this stage, significant changes to the article as accepted for publication will only be considered with permission from the Editor. All corrections must be returned to us at in a unique communication. Authors must check the galley proofs carefully before replying, as the inclusion of any subsequent corrections will not be allowed. Proofreading is performed on the manuscript file by the Editorial Office before creating the galley proof, but the authors are encouraged to double check the galley proof very carefully before sending their approval. The Editorial Office will do everything possible to get accepted articles published quickly and accurately.


After acceptance, authors cannot apply major corrections to the manuscript, Figures, Tables, or authorship. Before publication, we send galley proofs twice to authors, who are asked to carefully check them and send their approval for publication. After publication, no further corrections can be applied. To ensure that corrections are handled consistently, one editor deals with them all.

We set no time limit for notifying errors or publishing corrections. Anyway, the editorial team will evaluate corrections case by case to determine the impact of the amendments within the manuscript and decide how to handle them.

In case authors discover a mistake between online and galley proof we will normally correct it by making the article correct in the online version.


After publication

Publishing Schedule

Articles are published bimonthly, at mid-month and at the end of the month. Therefore, two issues are published each month. While special issues follow this same scheduling, supplements do not have a fixed publication date.


We publish erratum when a significant error has been detected in a published article and some changes are required. Significant mistakes involve tables, incorrect information, and spelling errors in case they modify the meaning of the article. Corresponding authors should send an email stating the type of error and the requested corrections. All authors have to agree with the erratum. To ensure that corrections are handled consistently, one editor deals with them all.

To issue an erratum, we follow the Council of Science Editors guidelines.

  • An erratum notice linked to the article to be corrected will be published in the first available issue
  • The erratum notice will clearly state the title and authors, the issue of publication, the DOI, and the PMID in the erratum heading
  • Corrections will be clearly stated in the erratum notice from the original version and the date(s) on which the changes were made
  • The erratum notice will be freely available to all readers online
  • We will post a new article version with details of the changes.



Retractions will be considered by Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci in case of evidence of unreliable data, plagiarism, unethical research, and misconduct. We consider an expression of concern notice if an article is under investigation.

In particular, the Editor in Chief should consider retracting a publication following guidelines on Good Publication Practice as reported in COPE.

All requests of withdrawal must be sent by the corresponding author who should provide detailed reasons for retraction. Authors should also provide a signed document stating that all authors agree with retraction and related reasons.

In case a third party informs us about a mistake, problems or manipulation related to data or research itself, our Editor in Chief can decide to conduct an independent peer-review to establish whether our published data are reliable or accurate. In particular, we follow COPE’s guidance to deal with warnings of image manipulation in a published article. The Editor in Chief can decide to withdraw an article without the consent of the authors in case of malpractice or evident mistakes.

Retractions are issued following Good Publication Practice guidelines as reported in COPE:

  • A retraction notice linked to the retracted article will be published in the in the first available issue;
  • The retraction notice will clearly state the title and authors, the issue of publication, the DOI, and the PMID in the retraction heading;
  • The retraction notice will be freely available to all readers and will state who is retracting the article and the detailed reason(s) for retraction.


Supplements and Special Issues

If you want to submit a supplement or a special issue, you can contact our Editorial Staff at Our team will be able to provide advice and quotations and answer all your questions.


Preservation and Archiving

European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences is committed to ensuring the permanent availability, accessibility and preservation of scholarly research by upgrading digital file formats to comply with new technology standards. All our files and manuscripts are archived and preserved in CLOCKSS