Diastolic mitral regurgitation: a borderline case in cardiovascular physiology
N. Alessandri, S. Mariani, F.R. Messina, G. Rondoni, E. Gerbasi, L. Battista, C. Gaudio Dipartimento Scienze Cardiovascolari e Respiratorie, University of Rome “La Sapienza” – Rome (Italy)
Abstract. – Background: Mitral regurgitation during diastole in 5 subjects, of whom 4 affected by cardiovascular disease and 1 healthy competitive athlete, was the aim of this work. The 4 patients are respectively affected by: 1rst case: arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and III degree AV block in NYHA class II heart failure (HF); 2nd case: NYHA III HF, prosthetic biologic aortic valve dysfunction; 3th case: NYHA III HF, ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy; 4th case: ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy waiting for heart transplantation. Methods and Results: The above 4 patients showed, on transthoracic echocardiogram, mitral diastolic regurgitation. The authors deem as caused, in agreement with the literature, both by an atrio-ventricular pressure gradient inversion during long-lasting diastoles (III degree atrio-ventricular block, blocked atrial systole, aortic valve regurgitation), and by an inadequate ventricular remodelling/distensibility. The 5th case deals with a healthy highly trained competitive athlete who, at the fitness checkup, showed mitral diastolic regurgitation. The study was also extended to two healthy groups of subjects, in order to rule out mitral regurgitation during the diastolic interval of the cardiac cycle. Conclusions: Such finding, after an accurate and critical analysis, led the authors to assume it may deal with a borderline physiological condition.

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N. Alessandri, S. Mariani, F.R. Messina, G. Rondoni, E. Gerbasi, L. Battista, C. Gaudio
Diastolic mitral regurgitation: a borderline case in cardiovascular physiology
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2003
Vol. 7 - N. 6
Pages: 161-170