Chest and breast MRI: the added value of a fast imaging for a new diagnostic approach in the planning of augmentation surgery in patients with thoracic asymmetries
P. Rinaldi, G.K. Parapatt, M. Giuliani, C. Borelli, G.G. Giardina, R. Fubelli, C. Buccheri, D. Tambasco, P. Belli, M. Salgarello, L. Bonomo Department of Radiological Sciences, Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth, School of Medicine, “A. Gemelli” Polyclinic, Rome, Italy.
OBJECTIVE: In breast augmentation surgery, breast symmetry depends on the breast tissue, implants and chest wall. Any asymmetry of the anterior thoracic wall can influence the breast shape. If breast asymmetry is detected in the preoperative evaluation, a chest wall deformity should be suspected. Until now, very few reports describe the use of MRI to objectively assess breast and chest measurements with the aim of providing customized augmentation. This study describes the use of MRI to evaluate breast and chest wall asymmetry, and considers the feasibility of preoperative measurements which are useful for performing an objective preoperative evaluation.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between April 2012 and February 2013, 13 patients underwent chest/breast MRI scan. Scans were performed on a 1.5 T scanner using a single T1 FSE non-suppressed axial sequence, without contrast administration. Acquisitions included the breast and chest wall. Specific measurements were obtained to assess the overall shape of the chest wall and breast, as well as any asymmetry.
RESULTS: All patients showed some degree of left-right side asymmetry on specific thoracic, breast and implant measurements. MRI provided detailed and objective data.
CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary findings revealed the value of breast/chest wall MRI in the planning of augmentation surgery. MRI is a valuable technique in young women because there is no use of ionizing radiation. Scans allow surgeons to determine the best surgical approach and obtain reproducible and better aesthetic results.
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P. Rinaldi, G.K. Parapatt, M. Giuliani, C. Borelli, G.G. Giardina, R. Fubelli, C. Buccheri, D. Tambasco, P. Belli, M. Salgarello, L. Bonomo
Chest and breast MRI: the added value of a fast imaging for a new diagnostic approach in the planning of augmentation surgery in patients with thoracic asymmetries
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2015
Vol. 19 - N. 13
Pages: 2359-2367