Resistance training vs. aerobic training and role of other factors on the exercise effects on visceral fat
T. Xiao, Y.-F. Fu P.E. Department of ZhengZhou University, ZhengZhou, China.
In the last 25 years, obesity has reached epidemic levels of prevalence. It has even affected the children such that rates of severe childhood obesity that have almost tripled in numbers. These numbers are alarming because of the known fact that obesity is associated with an increased risk of several comorbidities as well as with an increased risk of premature death. Almost since the beginning, exercise has been known to play a key role in the prevention and treatment of overweight and the non-pharmacological treatment of dyslipidemia. However, the effects of exercise on obesity seems to be dynamic and influenced by several other factors. These factors can be related to exercise or to the associated comorbidities. In this review we will address following factors: (1) The type of exercise which could be either aerobic or resistance training (2) The volume or amount of training (3) Intensity of training and (4) The effect of comorbidity of diabetes mellitus. We will observe that all of these factors modify the effect of exercise on the visceral fat.
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T. Xiao, Y.-F. Fu
Resistance training vs. aerobic training and role of other factors on the exercise effects on visceral fat
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2015
Vol. 19 - N. 10
Pages: 1779-1784