Metamucil as an additional source of dietary fiber: impact of the quality of healthcare professionals’ recommendations on users’ experience
A.F.G. Cicero Medical and Surgical Sciences Department, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
OBJECTIVE: Metamucil® is a fiber supplementation formed by 100% natural psyllium. This study, conducted in Italy, assessed the impact of quality of pharmacists’ instruction to use this product on subjects’ adherence to and overall satisfaction with this test product.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Open-label post-marketing study involving adult subjects who had purchased Metamucil® (follow-up: 14 ± 7 days). Information was collected using questionnaires dedicated to the participating subject and pharmacy.
RESULTS: In total, 1480 subjects and 182 pharmacies returned their questionnaires. The mean age of the subjects was 49 years, two-thirds were female and 87% went to the pharmacy with problems related to bowel movements. The median daily dose taken over the 21-day period was 1. Adherence to the test product was associated with the quality of pharmacist’s counseling (p = 0.005). Similarly, satisfaction with the tested product was associated with the quality of counseling (p < 0.001). Consumers’ satisfaction was also associated with the quality of pharmacist’s explanation of the benefits of the test product (p < 0.001) and with adherence (p < 0.001). 93% and 83% of subjects, respectively, stated the ease of use and their overall satisfaction with the test product, with 73% of subjects agreeing that they would continue using it. Similar findings were observed in subjects who had previously taken the most commonly used branded fiber supplements containing either partially hydrated guar gum or psyllium in the previous 6 months. 92% of pharmacists stated they would recommend Metamucil® for bowel regularity and 90% as it provides multiple benefits.
CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacists’ counseling is associated with consumers’ adherence and satisfaction to Metamucil®. A large proportion of subjects were satisfied and would continue taking the tested product as a fiber supplement.
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A.F.G. Cicero
Metamucil as an additional source of dietary fiber: impact of the quality of healthcare professionals’ recommendations on users’ experience
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2015
Vol. 19 - N. 7
Pages: 1297-1304