Evaluation of effectiveness of hydrocolloid dressing vs ceramide containing dressing against pressure ulcers
D.-F. Hao, G. Feng, W.-L. Chu, Z.-Q. Chen, S.-Y. Li Department of Wound Repair Center, Burn and Plastic Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijng, China. haodaifeng49@gmail.com
OBJECTIVE: Pressure Ulcers (PUs) often is an indication of quality of nursing care as it remains as severe manifestation of the integrity of impaired skin. Our study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of hydrocolloid dressings and ceramide dressings in healing of PU.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study was done at Chinese hospital between Feb 2014-November 2014. 72 study group patients and 25 control group patients were included in the study. The study group patients were divided into Group A with 24 patients received only ordinary hydrocolloid dressings, Group B with 24 patients who ceramide containing hydrocolloid dressings and Group C with 24 patients received both hydrocolloid and ceramide dressings. Dressings were applied for 4 weeks. The dressings were changed every 10 days and skin conditions such as pH of the skin, hydration are measured by capacitive method.
RESULTS: Among 72 study population 48 (66.7%) were male and 24 (33.3%) were females. Group A with 18 (75%) males and 6 (25%) females, group B with 20 (83.3%) males and 4 (16.7%) females, and group C with 10 (41.7%) males and 14 (58.3%) females. 25 Control group patients with 8 (32%) males and 16 (68%) females. Erythema seen in 4/24 (16.67%) group A patients, group B and C patients had 1/24 (4.17%) erythema. In control group patients 6/25(24%) developed erythema.
CONCLUSIONS: In our study, we evaluated the effectiveness of the hydrocolloid dressings and ceramide containing dressings in which ceramide containing dressings showed effective prevention and water holding capacity. Our study highlights that ceramide containing dressings found to be more effective in reducing erythema and improving the healing of PU.
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D.-F. Hao, G. Feng, W.-L. Chu, Z.-Q. Chen, S.-Y. Li
Evaluation of effectiveness of hydrocolloid dressing vs ceramide containing dressing against pressure ulcers
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2015
Vol. 19 - N. 6
Pages: 936-941