A rare case of cystic variety of angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
V. Filingeri, I. Bellini, B. Marino*, S. Fratoni*, S. Schiaroli* Department of Surgery, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome (Italy) *Pathologic Department, S. Eugenio Hospital, Rome (Italy)
A rare case of cystic angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma of the thigh in a 13-years-old girl is reported. Final diagnosis was made only after surgical excision. A review of the literature with a discussion of the particularity of this case are also examined in order to achieve the best surgical strategy and the lower risk of recurrence.
Corresponding Author: Vincenzino Filingeri, M.D; e-mail: v.filingeri@tiscali.it
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To cite this article
V. Filingeri, I. Bellini, B. Marino*, S. Fratoni*, S. Schiaroli*
A rare case of cystic variety of angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2010
Vol. 14 - N. 10
Pages: 887-890