Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from fish samples in Kolkata
D. Pal, N. Das Department of Microbiology, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata (India)
Corresponding Author: Debaprasad Pal, MD; e-mail:
Regarding the article “Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from fish samples in Kolkata” published on Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2010; 14: 545-549, the Authors asked to Editorial Committee to retire their paper from the journal.

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To cite this article
D. Pal, N. Das
Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from fish samples in Kolkata
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2010
Vol. 14 - N. 6
Pages: 545-549