Does cervical ureaplasma/mycoplasma colonization increase the lower uterine segment bleeding risk during cesarean section among patients with placenta previa? A cross-sectional study
P. Aydogan, S. Kahyaoglu, S. Saygan, O. Kaymak, L. Mollamahmutoglu, N. Danisman Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Isparta Maternity Hospital, Isparta, Turkey.
OBJECTIVE: The underlying inflammation of endometrium may impede normal implantation of placenta during pregnancy. Our objective is to show cervical colonization of ureaplasma and/or mycoplasma as a marker of endometritis in pregnancies complicated with placenta previa that can be a risk factor for placenta accreta and peripartum hemorrhage.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cervical cultures for ureaplasma urealyticum and mycoplasma genitalium have been taken from the endocervical region of the cervix of the patients. Subsequent uterine lower segment bleeding suggesting placenta implantation defects have been evaluated during cesarean section.
RESULTS: Of 25 patients: ten (40%) had negative cervical cultures for cervical mycoplasma and/or ureaplasma, 9 (36%) were found to be culture positive for cervical ureaplasma, 1 (4%) was found to be culture positive for cervical mycoplasma. Half of the 10 patients with positive cervical cultures for ureaplasma or mycoplasma and 6 of (40%) 15 patients with negative results had experienced lower uterine segment bleeding during cesarean section.
CONCLUSIONS: Bacterial colonization of cervix in particular with ureaplasma and/or mycoplasma is found to be strongly associated with placenta previa. Before a planned pregnancy, treatment of this infection with appropriate antibiotics is necessary to prevent underlying uterine endometritis that increases the risk for abnormal implantation of placenta.
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P. Aydogan, S. Kahyaoglu, S. Saygan, O. Kaymak, L. Mollamahmutoglu, N. Danisman
Does cervical ureaplasma/mycoplasma colonization increase the lower uterine segment bleeding risk during cesarean section among patients with placenta previa? A cross-sectional study
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2014
Vol. 18 - N. 16
Pages: 2243-2247