New biological agents for the treatment of the “high risk” IBD patients
L. Guidi, M. Marzo, C. Felice, G. Mocci, L. Sparano, D. Pugliese, I. De Vitis, A. Papa, A. Armuzzi U.O.C. Medicina Interna e Gastroenterologia, Complesso Integrato Columbus, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma (Italy)
Abstract. – Background: Several new biological drugs have been introduced in the last decade or are under investigation for the treatment of IBD. They include anti TNFα agents, anti adhesion molecules, anti IL-12/23, anti IL-6R and others. Their role in IBD therapy will be discussed in regard of the association of chronic inflammation and cancer in the gut. The risk of colorectal cancer is increased in ulcerative colitis (UC) and, to some extent, in Crohn’s disease (CD). This association is well known from many years. However, the mechanisms linking chronic inflammation and carcinogenesis are beginning to be elucidated only recently.
Results and Conclusions: Experimental data indicate that several cytokines could play a role in promoting tumour development. In this perspective, the anti cytokine agents could be not only powerful tools in treating inflammation but also efficacious in preventing the onset of inflammation associated colorectal cancer.
Corresponding Author: Luisa Guidi, MD; e-mail:

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To cite this article
L. Guidi, M. Marzo, C. Felice, G. Mocci, L. Sparano, D. Pugliese, I. De Vitis, A. Papa, A. Armuzzi
New biological agents for the treatment of the “high risk” IBD patients
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2010
Vol. 14 - N. 4
Pages: 342-346