Erectile dysfunction in patients with psoriasis: potential impact of the metabolic syndrome
T. Tasliyurt, Y. Bilir, S. Sahin, H.Y. Seckin, S.U. Kaya, H. Sivgin, A.K. Demir, F. Erdemir Depatment of Internal Medicine, Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Medical Faculty, Tokat, Turkey.
BACKGROUND: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects up to 5.5% of world population and is associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). Aim of the present study was to investigate impact of metabolic syndrome (MetS) on association between psoriasis and ED as well as to improve our understanding of this association via studying other possible causes of ED such as psychological factors and disease effects.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: The patient group included 37 male psoriasis patients and control group 28 healthy men. Severity of psoriasis was determined using Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI), and ED was evaluated using International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) Scale. Psychiatric state of the patients were determined using Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). MetS was diagnosed using the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria.
RESULTS: MetS, ED prevalence and BDI score were significantly higher in psoriasis patient group (p = 0.032, p = 0.018 and p < 0.001). Average IIEF score of psoriasis patients with and without MetS, on the other hand, was not different (p = 0.073). IIEF score had negative correlations with age, BDI and PASI scores. In multiple linear regression analysis, BDI score, old age and smoking (but not MetS) were found to be independent predictors of ED.
CONCLUSIONS: ED, MetS and depression frequencies were significantly higher in psoriasis patient group. In addition, psoriasis severity and ED parameters were closely associated. Depression, old age and smoking were found to be independent risk factors for ED.
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T. Tasliyurt, Y. Bilir, S. Sahin, H.Y. Seckin, S.U. Kaya, H. Sivgin, A.K. Demir, F. Erdemir
Erectile dysfunction in patients with psoriasis: potential impact of the metabolic syndrome
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2014
Vol. 18 - N. 4
Pages: 581-586