Intestinal gas production and gastrointestinal symptoms: from pathogenesis to clinical implication
F. Scaldaferri, O. Nardone, L.R. Lopetuso, V. Petito, S. Bibbò, L. Laterza, V. Gerardi, G. Bruno, I. Scoleri, A. Diroma, A. Sgambato, E. Gaetani, G. Cammarota, A. Gasbarrini Medical Pathology, Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Division, Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
Intestinal gases are the expression of metabolic activity of gut microbiota in the gut, particularly carbohydrates in the case of H2, CH4. Alterations in composition of gases and air handling, directly or upon challenge with food are relevant for GI and extra-GI diseases. Assessing gas composition in breath can be a very useful tool for clinic, but technical issues are crucial (breath sampling, storing and analyzing).
Aim of the present review is to summarize the understanding of the importance of intestinal gases in gastro-intestinal physiology and patho-physiology. Practical considerations on how to collect samples and instruments available for the clinic have also been provided.
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F. Scaldaferri, O. Nardone, L.R. Lopetuso, V. Petito, S. Bibbò, L. Laterza, V. Gerardi, G. Bruno, I. Scoleri, A. Diroma, A. Sgambato, E. Gaetani, G. Cammarota, A. Gasbarrini
Intestinal gas production and gastrointestinal symptoms: from pathogenesis to clinical implication
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2013
Vol. 17 - N. 2 Suppl
Pages: 2-10