A novel index for predicting macular thickening after cataract surgery
G. Cupo, F. Scarinci, G. Ripandelli, M. Sampalmieri, M. Centofanti, C. Giusti, S. Lazzeri Bietti Eye Foundation IRCCS, Rome, Italy. c.giusti@unicampus.it
PURPOSE: In this study, we tried to investigate weather or not the preoperative anterior chamber depth, the lens thickness (LT) and the relation between these variables by the ratio (K) of the distance from the corneal peak to the posterior side of the lens (A) (K = A/LT) could be predictive for a surgically induced foveal thickening following uneventful cataract surgery in normal, emmetropic eyes.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total amount of 45 eyes, 25 females and 20 males, were enrolled in this study and underwent uncomplicated phacoemulsification under topical anesthesia. A complete ophthalmological examination was performed preoperatively, including refraction, best corrected visual acuity, slit-lamp examination, biometry and optical coherence tomography of both eyes. These examinations, with the exception of the biometric examination, were repeated one day, one week and four weeks after surgery.
RESULTS: The K ratio was positively correlated with the macular thickness changes after cataract surgery. The Pearson correlation analysis of K ratio and foveal tickness changes was 0.792 (y = 36.457x – 52.558, R2 = 0.6266).
CONCLUSIONS: A novel ratio that incorporates preoperative ocular parameters has been described. It could be easily measured in a clinical setting, and appears to be strongly predictive for macular thickening following cataract surgery. Of course, further studies enrolling a larger amount of patients are necessary in order to confirm these preliminary data.
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To cite this article
G. Cupo, F. Scarinci, G. Ripandelli, M. Sampalmieri, M. Centofanti, C. Giusti, S. Lazzeri
A novel index for predicting macular thickening after cataract surgery
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2013
Vol. 17 - N. 23
Pages: 3237-3243