Does metabolic syndrome influence psoriasis?
R. Saraceno, M. Ruzzetti, M.U. De Martino*, L. Di Renzo‡†, R. Cianci‡§, A. De Lorenzo‡†,S. Chimenti Department of Dermatology, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy) *Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Salerno (Italy) ‡Department of Neuroscience, Division of Human Nutrition. University of Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy) †I.N.Di.M., National Institute for Mediterranean Diet and Nutrigenomic, Reggio Calabria (Italy) §Institute of Internal Medicine, Catholic University, Rome (Italy)
The metabolic syndrome is a combination of diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, central obesity and combined hyperlipidemia. The metabolic syndrome and its components have been largely associated with psoriasis.
We report the case of a 66-year-old man affected with metabolic syndrome and psoriasis in which a multidisciplinary approach with endocrinologists and nutritionists led to an improvement of both conditions. After only 4 months of diet and an appropriate therapeutic regimen we observed an improvement of the hyperglycaemia, dyslipidemia, significant lose of weight, BMI switching from obesity to overweight and improvement of plaque psoriasis in absence of other treatments. We report this case to emphasise the need of a major control of the metabolic syndrome and associated comorbidities in psoriatic patients. Moreover we suggest that diet counselling and regular nutritional visits should be recommended in some patients to obtain dual benefits.
Corresponding Author: Rosita Saraceno, MD; e-mail:

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R. Saraceno, M. Ruzzetti, M.U. De Martino*, L. Di Renzo‡†, R. Cianci‡§, A. De Lorenzo‡†,S. Chimenti
Does metabolic syndrome influence psoriasis?
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2008
Vol. 12 - N. 5
Pages: 339-341