Investigation of prevalence and characteristics of mesiodens in a non-syndromic 11256 dental outpatients
H. Çolak, R. Uzgur, E. Tan, M.M. Hamidi, M. Turkal, T. Çolak Department of Restorative Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Department of Orthodontic, Faculty of Dentistry, Kirikkale University, Kirikkale, Turkey.
AIM: To investigate the prevalence of mesiodens in a sample of Turkish dental patients and their distribution among genders.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was performed using panoramic radiography of 11256 patients, who ranged in age from 15 to 55 years old. All data (age, sex and or syndrome) were obtained from the patient files and analyzed for mesiodens. Statistical evaluation of the presence of mesiodens related to gender was performed by the Pearson chi-squared test.
RESULTS: Mesiodens was detected in 15 subjects (0.13%). The prevalence of mesiodens for females and males was 0.20% and 0.057%, respectively (p = 0.037). The most commonly observed mesiodens was maxillary canine-like type (60%). Most of the mesiodens (67%) were found in the vertical position, followed by horizontal position (33%). The age and sex distribution, number of mesiodens per patient, shape, direction, size, and effect on permanent maxillary incisors are also presented in this study. The most common complication caused by mesiodens was midline of the permanent incisors.
CONCLUSIONS: Mesiodens is an uncommon developmental anomaly in Turkish dental patients. Early diagnosis allows the most appropriate treatment, often reducing the extent of surgery, orthodontic treatment and possible complications.
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H. Çolak, R. Uzgur, E. Tan, M.M. Hamidi, M. Turkal, T. Çolak
Investigation of prevalence and characteristics of mesiodens in a non-syndromic 11256 dental outpatients
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2013
Vol. 17 - N. 19
Pages: 2684-2689