A giant hemorragic adrenal pseudocyst: contrast-enhanced examination (CEUS) and computed tomography (CT) features
V. Cantisani, L. Petramala, P. Ricci, A. Porfiri, C. Marinelli, G. Panzironi, A. Ciardi, G. De Toma, C. Letizia Department of Radiology, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialities, Department of Surgery “P. Valdoni”, School of Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome, Italy. claudio.letizia@uniroma1.it
INTRODUCTION: Adrenal pseudocysts are rare cystic masses that arise from the adrenal gland and which are usually non-functional and asymptomatic. We report a rare case of a giant hemorrhagic adrenal pseudocyst presenting with abdominal pain and we discussed the radiological features.
PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 75 year old man was admitted with acute abdominal pain post mild-trauma. Computed tomography (CT) of abdomen revealed a hemorrhagic mass measuring 18 cm located in the right suprarenal region, displacing the right kidney and liver. He subsequently underwent to contrast enhancement ultrasound (CEUS), which showed features suggestive for hemorrhagic adrenal pseudocyst. A complete endocrine working didn’t show any hormonal hypersecretion. The patient underwent laparotomy and right adrenal mass was excised. Histological examination revealed giant hemorrhagic adrenal pseudocyst. The abdominal pain resolved after surgery.
CONCLUSIONS: to the best our knowledge, this is the first case studied with CEUS reported in the literature.
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V. Cantisani, L. Petramala, P. Ricci, A. Porfiri, C. Marinelli, G. Panzironi, A. Ciardi, G. De Toma, C. Letizia
A giant hemorragic adrenal pseudocyst: contrast-enhanced examination (CEUS) and computed tomography (CT) features
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2013
Vol. 17 - N. 18
Pages: 2546-2550