Respiratory failure and pharyngeal hematoma as presenting signs of Moschcowitz’s syndrome: a case report and literature review
S. Cocuzza, P. Pavone, M. Bonfiglio, R. Chiaramonte, C. Iurato, R. Falsaperla, M. Velardita, A. Serra Otolaryngology Section, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Catania, Catania, Italy.
Moschcowitz’s syndrome or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is a quite rare pathology in childhood, being, as a matter of fact, more frequent among adult people. Often it is hard to distinguish from other pathologies in children both for its rare incidence and for the presence of clinical forms that are very heterogeneous and difficult to be classified. We report on a 13 year-old girl suffering from Moschcowitz’s syndrome, in whom respiratory failure and pharyngeal hematoma were the first sign of the disease follone by jaundice, hematoma of the arm and limbs. The girl was treated with plasmapheresis with an improvement of her general condition. Since then we have followed up the girl for two years without any reappearance of the symptomatology. To our knowledge this is the first report of this peculiar presentation in children.
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S. Cocuzza, P. Pavone, M. Bonfiglio, R. Chiaramonte, C. Iurato, R. Falsaperla, M. Velardita, A. Serra
Respiratory failure and pharyngeal hematoma as presenting signs of Moschcowitz’s syndrome: a case report and literature review
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2013
Vol. 17 - N. 14
Pages: 1978-1981