Preoperative computer imaging before augmentation rhinoplasty
C.C. Cingi, N. Bayar Muluk, C. Cingi Department of Communication Design and Management, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.
OBJECTIVE: In the present study, we investigated the efficacy of morphing technology via Adobe PhotoShop program and its “liquefy” effect in patients planned to undergo augmentation rhinoplasty.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: The retrospective data for 100 consecutive augmentation rhinoplasty cases (64 females and 36 males) were enrolled in our study. Preoperative computer imaging (PCI) steps, a stepwise systematic guide for image editing, including (1) augmenting the dorsum, (2) lengthening the nose, (3) adjusting the tip projection, (4) perfection of the nasal dorsum and (5) exaggerating the tip projection and/or the dorsal augmentation were applied to the patients. After performing the PCI before augmentation rhinoplasty, the patients were allowed to see the options for the final appearance of their noses. Therefore, PCI helped them to decide on their operations.
RESULTS: After applying CS-PCI before augmentation rhinoplasty, 71 patients (71%) accepted Step-4, and 19 (19%) accepted Step-3. Furthermore, six patients (6%) requested additional changes during their operational planning. In 95% of the cases, the authors achieved the results agreed upon based on the preoperative simulation.
CONCLUSIONS: By PCI involving five steps for augmentation rhinoplasty, the patients were allowed to see the options for the final appearance of their noses. Therefore, PCI helped them to decide on their operations. With the help of morphing technology (2D), it is possible to increase interpersonal communication effectively.
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To cite this article
C.C. Cingi, N. Bayar Muluk, C. Cingi
Preoperative computer imaging before augmentation rhinoplasty
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2023
Vol. 27 - N. 4 Suppl
Pages: 21-26
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202306_32727