Evaluation of the frequency and awareness of obesity among healthcare workers
H. Sarı, Z. Kılınç, Ş. Soysal, M. Özel Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Turkey. hsaridr@yahoo.com
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of obesity in healthcare workers and to evaluate the awareness of obesity by using Obesity Awareness Scale.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This descriptive frequency study was conducted between January 1 and March 31, 2021, in 17 Family Health Centers in the Health Training and Research Area. 119 health personnel working in Family Health Centers were included in the study. The Body Mass Index (BMI) classification accepted by the World Health Organization for adults was used to determine obesity. Obesity Awareness Scale adapted to the Turkish language was used to evaluate obesity awareness.
RESULTS: The frequency of obesity among healthcare workers was 11.8% and overweight was 37.8%. 51.9% of physicians were overweight, 14.8% were obese; 38.5% of midwives were overweight, 15.4% were obese; 24.4% of the nurses were overweight and 9.8% were obese. The mean BMI of the participants was 18.00±0.52 for underweight, 22.65±1.35 for normal, 27.32±1.43 for overweight, and 31.53±1.68 for obese. The obesity awareness total score average of the participants was 63.97±7.47 (high level). According to the obesity awareness scale sub-dimension mean scores, obesity awareness was 28.7±3.9 (high), nutrition awareness was 20.0±3.1 (high), and physical activity was 15.3±1.8 (good).
CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of obesity was found to be low, and the awareness of obesity was found to be high among HCWs in Family Health Centers. In addition, obesity was mostly detected in physicians, midwives, and nurses. Urgent act policies are needed to encourage both patients and HCWs to the awareness and prevention of obesity and to have a healthy lifestyle.
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To cite this article
H. Sarı, Z. Kılınç, Ş. Soysal, M. Özel
Evaluation of the frequency and awareness of obesity among healthcare workers
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2023
Vol. 27 - N. 10
Pages: 4639-4647
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202305_32475