Calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers and digitalis poisoning: management in the emergency room
V. Ojetti, A. Migneco, F. Bononi, A. De Lorenzo*, N. Gentiloni Silveri Department of Emergency Medicine, Catholic University – Rome (Italy)
*Human Nutrition Unit, University of Tor Vergata – Rome (Italy)
Calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers intoxications account for up to 65% of deaths for cardiovascular drugs, causing severe clinical symptoms refractory to standard medications. The most serious poisonings are those resulting from verapamil and propanolol ingestion. Both support and antidotic therapy are necessary for these potentially unstable patients. Supportive measures and the use of digoxin-specific antibody fragments are first line treatment for digitalis glycoside poisoning.

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To cite this article
V. Ojetti, A. Migneco, F. Bononi, A. De Lorenzo*, N. Gentiloni Silveri
Calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers and digitalis poisoning: management in the emergency room
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2005
Vol. 9 - N. 4
Pages: 241-246