The relationship between fear of hypoglycemia and health-related quality of life in diabetic patients with heart disease
S. Turen, R.G. Yılmazer Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Kültür University, Istanbul, Turkey.
OBJECTIVE: Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) frequently experience hypoglycemia, which has significant implications for the possibility of cardiovascular complications. The relationship between fear of hypoglycemia (FoH) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in diabetic heart patients was investigated in this study.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This was a descriptive study, and 260 diabetic inpatients with heart disease were enrolled. The “Data Gathering Form”, the “Hypoglycemia Fear Survey” (HFS), and the “Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36)” were used to collect research data.
RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 63.46±11.73 (min 21-max 90) years, and 76.2% of them had type 2 DM. The mean FoH total score of the patients was 70.87±8.03 (min 45-max 113). The mean FoH behavior sub-dimension score was 35.41±4.07 (min 20-max 57), and the mean worry sub-dimension score was 35.55±5.26 (min 20-max 61). The mean total FoH score was found to be significantly higher in patients of 65 years of age and older, not working, with diabetes duration over 10 years, with HbA1c <7%, and with microvascular complications (p<0.05). Of the sub-dimensions of SF-36, “mental health” had the lowest mean score. There was a significant but very weak negative correlation between the other sub-dimensions of SF-36, “physical functioning”, “role physical”, “role emotional” and “vitality”, with the FoH total score.
CONCLUSIONS: FoH and HRQoL in diabetic patients with heart disease were found to be negatively correlated in this study. Prevention of hypoglycemia will improve patients’ HRQoL by reducing their anxiety and fears.
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To cite this article
S. Turen, R.G. Yılmazer
The relationship between fear of hypoglycemia and health-related quality of life in diabetic patients with heart disease
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2023
Vol. 27 - N. 4
Pages: 1592-1600
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202302_31402