The effect of dance on rehabilitation training after COVID-19
Y. Wang Xinxiang Radio and Television University, Xinxiang, Henan, China.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims at investigating the effect of dance on rehabilitation training after COVID-19.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study, a total of 112 patients with COVID-19 were recruited for rehabilitation training. Before enrollment, a neurologist conducted medical history inquiry, basic information collection, MMSE (MiniMental State Examination), MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) and MHIS (Mental Health Information Systems) assessment. In the end, 68 patients with COVID-19 who met the entry criteria and signed the informed consent were included in the training. 8 patients with greater exercise risk after the ECG exercise test were not included in the group. Therefore, 60 patients were finally included in the group. The improved BMCE (Basic Medicine Comprehensive Examination) protocol was used to evaluate the cardiac function and exercise adaptability of the patients. The 12 lead ECG and gas metabolism instrument were used to monitor the changes of ECG and gas metabolism, and the blood pressure was measured at the same time. The exercise intensity was evaluated by subjective fatigue degree. The patient stopped the exercise test and rested for 15 minutes under the following conditions: (1) complained of any discomfort or intolerable fatigue; (2) horizontal or oblique ST segment pressure in ECG not shorter than 3 mm; (3) moderate to severe angina pectoris or reduction of systolic blood pressure greater than 10 mmhg. The heart rate when stopping the test was the maximum heart rate of the patient.
RESULTS: The average participation times of MCI patients in the aerobic dance group were 33.9 (IQR = 34, 36), 89.7% of MCI patients participated in 90% of aerobic dance training, and only 3.4% of MCI patients participated in less than 80% of aerobic dance courses. Compared with the control group, the 3-month change value of Wechsler’s logical memory of MCI patients in the aerobic dance group was significantly improved (p < 0.01). The 3-month change value of digital connection test B score was significantly improved (mean value of difference between groups = -32. The treatment speed was significantly shortened at 6 months (P300 latency 6 months change value = -20 ms).
CONCLUSIONS: The intensity and frequency of aerobic dance play a key role in the effect of cognitive improvement, requiring long-term persistence and ensuring the intensity and frequency of training. Second, the patient’s processing speed (P300 latency) tends to gradually extend with the passage of time, and aerobic dance intervention helps shortening the P300 latency, suggesting that patients can delay the decline of their cognitive function through early aerobic dance intervention.
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To cite this article
Y. Wang
The effect of dance on rehabilitation training after COVID-19
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2023
Vol. 27 - N. 1
Pages: 359-365
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202301_30889