Mobile computed tomography scanner in trailer: a field hospital experience
N. Dag Department of Radiology, Malatya Training and Research Hospital, Malatya, Turkey.
OBJECTIVE: Our study aimed at examining the use of a mobile computed tomography (CT) trailer in a field hospital.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT images of 540 patients were evaluated retrospectively. The images were subjectively divided into three groups according to their quality (good/moderate/poor). The CT region was divided into six regions (brain/thorax/abdominal pelvis/spinal/extremity/others). Mobile CT examinations were performed with a 128-slice CT scanner.
RESULTS: The most common clinical indications were trauma (34%) and pneumonia (31%). CT image quality was 95% good, 4.5% moderate and 0.5% poor. The frequency of imaging of regions was 38% thorax, 23.5% brain, 22% abdominal-pelvis, 9% spinal, 6% extremity, 1.5% others. In many cases, significant pathologies were diagnosed.
CONCLUSIONS: The use of a mobile CT trailer in the field hospital can make a positive contribution to patient management. The ease of assembly, as well as transportation and radiation safety of the mobile CT trailer, are suitable for the conditions of the field hospital.
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To cite this article
N. Dag
Mobile computed tomography scanner in trailer: a field hospital experience
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2022
Vol. 26 - N. 19
Pages: 6953-6957
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202210_29876