Variation of acid-base balance, glycemia, electrolytes and ETCO2 after fast i.v. infusion of 5% fructose and/or glucose
G. Tellan, C. Iannarone, A. Fegiz, I. Baumgartner, A.M.R. Maselli, A. Fantera Insegnamento di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione, “La Sapienza” University – Rome (Italy)
Abstract. – Intraoperative fluid infusion has precise goals and the rapid infusion of some solutions can induce important modifications of homeostatic parameters, which must be known. Rapid infusion of fructose and glucose 5% solutions has been carried out and modifications of acid-base balance, glycemia, serum electrolytes, ETCO2 have been registered. The administration of fructose 5% determines a mixed acidosis while the administration of glucose does not cause this phenomenon; the administration of both carbohydrates reduces serum chloride and sodium, while serum potassium rises only after fructose infusion and glycemia only after glucose infusion. All the variations described reach significant levels.

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To cite this article
G. Tellan, C. Iannarone, A. Fegiz, I. Baumgartner, A.M.R. Maselli, A. Fantera
Variation of acid-base balance, glycemia, electrolytes and ETCO2 after fast i.v. infusion of 5% fructose and/or glucose
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 1997
Vol. 1 - N. 5
Pages: 161-165