Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2021; 25 (11): 4121-4127
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202106_26055

Intravenous gold-induced autologous serum injection therapy (Go ACT®) as a new treatment for seasonal pollen-based allergies

U. Schneider, P. Hollands

iRegMed Center for Regenerative Medicine, Germany.

OBJECTIVE: This prospective case study investigated the new therapeutic paradigm of autologous gold-induced immunotherapy (Go ACT®) in the treatment of pollen-based allergies. The safety and clinical efficacy of Go ACT® were investigated by assessing patients in the first pollen season following treatment with Go ACT®.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this prospective case study, patients were enrolled who had a proven pollen allergy and had been previously unsuccessfully treated with standard medication. Clinical improvement following Go ACT® treatment was analyzed using symptom scores, ARIA classification and symptom control. The data generated in the case study were compared to the data from the previous pre-treatment pollen season.

RESULTS: 16 patients were included in this study. The treatment was well tolerated by all patients. On completion of the study all of the patients rated the tolerability of the treatment as either good or very good. Local reactions to the treatment were not seen. No Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) occurred. The symptom scores decreased significantly from the 2016 pollen season to the 2017 pollen season in patients who received Go ACT® treatment. Analysis of the ARIA classification showed that 81.0% of patients had persistent, moderate-to-severe rhinitis before treatment.  Following treatment 7.1% of patients had persistent, moderate-to-severe rhinitis. A total of 62.4% of patients in the study achieved symptom control. A total of 38.8% of patients required no symptomatic medication after Go ACT® treatment. The rhino-conjunctivitis score was significantly lower after the treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that Go ACT® treatment is safe, effective, well-tolerated and accepted by patients suffering from pollen allergy. The results of the symptom scores, RCAT, ARIA classification show that Go ACT® treatment elicits immediate beneficial effects during the pollen season under treatment and for the season following treatment.

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To cite this article

U. Schneider, P. Hollands
Intravenous gold-induced autologous serum injection therapy (Go ACT®) as a new treatment for seasonal pollen-based allergies

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2021
Vol. 25 - N. 11
Pages: 4121-4127
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202106_26055