Thyroid hormones and lipid metabolism in a group of patients over seventy
D. Maugeri, A. Santangelo, P. Barbagallo, M.R. Bonanno, M. Malaguarnera, I. Rizza, S. Speciale, M. Tomarchio, M.P. Curasì, P. Panebianco Institute of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, University of Catania – P.O. Cannizzaro – Catania (Italy)
Abstract. – Numerous studies have suggested a marked correlation between thyroid functionality indices and lipid metabolism. In this trial we assessed the functional parameters of 165 individuals over 70, 87 women and 78 men, correlating the serum values of T3, T4, FT4, TSH with cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, Apo-A and Apo-B levels. The correlation was performed over the whole population studied and subsequently, after dividing the population by sex and age (3 age groups: A, 70-75; B, 76-80; C, over 80) in the individual groups. In the population as a whole, we have observed a statistically significant correlation between T4/cholesterol (P=0.0001); T3/cholesterol (P=0.06); T4/triglycerides (P=0.0001); T3/triglycerides (P=0.09); T4/HDL (P=0.0001); T4/Apo-A (P= 0.02); T3/Apo-A (P=0.008); T4/Apo-B (P=0.0001). Analysis by gender shows a statistically significance between the female and male sexes in the correlation between T3/cholesterol (P=0.001); T3/triglycerides (P=0.06); T4/cholesterol (P=0.0001) and T4/triglycerides (P=0.0001). When the data were analyzed by age, in Group A (75-80) there was no statistically significant correlation, whereas in Group B (76-80) there has been an increase in significance in the correlation between T3/cholesterol (P=0.006); T3/triglycerides (P=0.001); T3/Hdl (P=0.08); T3/Apo-A (P=0.0001); T3/Apo-B (P=0.08); T4/cholesterol (P=0.00001) and ); T4/Apo-A (P=0.0001). On the other hand in the Group C age group (over 80) this significance is considerably lower. Maybe this decrease of correlations should be attributed to a global savings of the older organisms, or to a process of natural selection.

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D. Maugeri, A. Santangelo, P. Barbagallo, M.R. Bonanno, M. Malaguarnera, I. Rizza, S. Speciale, M. Tomarchio, M.P. Curasì, P. Panebianco
Thyroid hormones and lipid metabolism in a group of patients over seventy
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 1999
Vol. 3 - N. 5
Pages: 211-216