Secondary lipofilling after breast reconstruction with implants
E. Cigna, D. Ribuffo, V. Sorvillo, M. Atzeni, A. Piperno, P.G. Calò, N. Scuderi Department of Surgery, Plastic Surgery Unit, Polyclinico Umberto I, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
BACKGROUND: Several Authors have reported on the use of lipoinjection as a low-risk and low-morbidity procedure that gives good results for the correction of soft-tissue defects.
AIM: The purpose of this study was to review our caseload of fat grafting after breast reconstruction with prosthesis.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 2008 and December 2011, 20 patients were treated for breast asymmetries with secondary autologous fat injection after nipple-sparing, skin-sparing and skin-reducing mastectomies breast reconstruction in our Departments. Exclusion criteria was postoperative radiotherapy. In order to assess aesthetic satisfaction, patients and an indipendent plastic surgeon filled an evaluation form (VAS = 1-10) preoperatively one and six months after surgery.
RESULTS: In postoperative days no major complications occurred. Donor sites looks completely healthy and no scars were evident. The average values of aesthetic satisfaction in patients (VAS) were 5.2 (range 3-7) preoperatively, 7.9 (range 5-9) one month post-operatively and 7.2 six months postoperatively (range 5-9). Values reported by the surgeon team were an average of 4.9 (range 4-6) preoperatively, 7.6 after one month (range 6-9) and 7.1 after six months (range 5-9).
CONCLUSIONS: Acquired contour deformities of the reconstructed breast are relatively common and independent from the technique used. Therefore, they present a frequent therapeutic challenge to reconstructive surgeons. Lipomodelling offers an “easy to perform” and predictable cosmetic solution to these patients. An objective examination of aesthetic results, in addition to our clinical analysis shows a significant improvement of cosmetic outcomes; moreover, all patients were satisfied for their final appearance.
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To cite this article
E. Cigna, D. Ribuffo, V. Sorvillo, M. Atzeni, A. Piperno, P.G. Calò, N. Scuderi
Secondary lipofilling after breast reconstruction with implants
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2012
Vol. 16 - N. 12
Pages: 1729-1734