Pharmacokinetics of sebacic acid in rats
A.M.R. Favuzzi, G. Mingrone, A. Bertuzzi*, S. Salinari**, A. Gandolfi*, A.V. Greco Istituto di Medicina Interna e Geriatria, Catholic University – Rome (Italy)
*Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica, CNR – Rome (Italy)
**Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Facoltà di Ingegneria, “La Sapienza” University – Rome (Italy)
Abstract. – The pharmacokinetics of disodium sebacate (Sb) was studied in Wistar rats of both sexes. Sebacate was administered either as intra-peritoneal (i.p.) bolus (six doses ranging from 10 mg to 320 mg) or as oral bolus (two doses: 80 and 160 mg). Plasma and urinary concentrations of Sb and urinary concentrations of Sb and its products of b-oxidation (suberic and adipic acids) were measured by an improved method using gas-liquid chromatography/mass-spectrometry. A single compartment with two linear elimination routes was selected after no increase in significance was shown by an additional compartment and after a saturable mechanism was found to be unsuitable. Both renal and non-renal elimination parameters were obtained by Marquardt non linear fitting of plasma concentrations together with urinary elimination. The data reported are calculated from the analysis on the whole population of rats and referred to an average body weight (bw) of 100 g. The Sb half-time was 31.5 min. The tissue elimination rate was 0.0122 min-1. The overall volume of distribution was found to be 26.817 ml/100 g bw. The renal clearance was 0.291 ml/min/100 g of bw, which is much less than the value of GFR reported in literature (about 1 ml/min/100 g bw), suggesting the presence of Sb reabsorption from the ultrafiltrate. The value of Sb renal clearance was found to be a concentration-independent function, suggesting the presence of a passive back-diffusion. The relative bioavailability of the oral form compared to the i.p. form was 69.09%, showing a good absorption of the drug.

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A.M.R. Favuzzi, G. Mingrone, A. Bertuzzi*, S. Salinari**, A. Gandolfi*, A.V. Greco
Pharmacokinetics of sebacic acid in rats
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 1999
Vol. 3 - N. 3
Pages: 119-125