Different types of interferon for the therapy of hcv chronic active hepatitis in the elderly patient
R. Terranova, S. Luca Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, University of Catania (Italy)
HCV correlated hepatitis is a pathology on the increase, and it is especially affecting patients above 60 years old. The only treatment for this disease is therapy with different types of interferon. The authors take into examination three of their previous studies on treatment of HCV correlated chronic hepatitis in the elderly using different types of interferon: recombinant interferon alpha, interferon beta, and lymphoblastoid interferon, in order to evaluate which one, among the three, should be the best for the treatment of this pathology in the elderly. The data show that recombinant interferon alpha is preferable since the remission percentage is higher (75%), compared to beta (53.8%) and lymphoblastoid interferon (60%). As far as the relevant side-effects in elderly patients are concerned, beta-interferon therapy is almost with no side-effects. Even in cases where there could be a possible higher exposure to side-effects linked to the use of recombinant interferon alpha, still, the risk/benefit ratio suggests that this particular drug should be used for treating this pathology in elderly patients.

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To cite this article
R. Terranova, S. Luca
Different types of interferon for the therapy of hcv chronic active hepatitis in the elderly patient
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 1999
Vol. 3 - N. 2
Pages: 45-52