Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 1999; 3 (1): 19-21

Neurinomas of the brachial plexus: case report

A. Forte, L.S. Gallinaro, A. Bertagni, G. Montesano, V. Prece, G. Illuminati

Institute of Clinical Surgery IV, “La Sapienza” University – Rome (Italy)

Abstract. – Neurinomas, also referred to as neurilemmomas and schwannomas, are rare benign tumours of the peripheral nerves, a low proportion of which arise from the brachial plexus. Authors report a case of an ancient schwannoma arising from the brachial plexus. The tumour, usually asymptomatic, may cause sensory radicular symptoms, or rarely motor deficits in the involved arm. Enucleation of the tumour from the nerve without damage to any of the fascicles is the correct treatment.

To cite this article

A. Forte, L.S. Gallinaro, A. Bertagni, G. Montesano, V. Prece, G. Illuminati
Neurinomas of the brachial plexus: case report

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 1999
Vol. 3 - N. 1
Pages: 19-21