Peripheral neuropathy after burn injury
Y. Tamam, C. Tamam, B. Tamam, M. Ustundag, M. Orak, N. Tasdemir Department of Neurology, Dicle University School of Medicine, Diyarbakir, Turkey.
OBJECTIVES: Peripheral neuropathy is a well-documented disabling sequela of major burn injury. These lesions are associated with both thermal and electrical injuries that may be frequently undiagnosed or overlooked in clinical settings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of burn-related neuropathy in our database and to investigate the clinical correlates for both mononeuropathy and generalized peripheral polyneuropathy.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Out of 648 burn patients, admitted to our clinic forty-seven burn patients with the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy were evaluated retrospectively. The demographic and clinical data collected were gender, age, degree, site and percent surface area of burn, type of burn, and the results of electrodiagnostic examination, including electromyography and nerve conduction assessments and associated pathology if existed.
RESULTS: Peripheral neuropathy is the most frequent disabling neuromuscular complication of burn, that may be undiagnosed or overlooked. In current study, peripheral neuropathy associated with burn all of our patients were identified by electrodiagnostic study. After treatment in Burn Unit, clinical and electrodiagnostic studies were applied. Motor and sensory distal latencies were prolonged and sensory nerve action potentials reduced in amplitude.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings of our study have shown that polyneuropathies and axonal neuropathy were more frequent than mononeuropathy and demyelination.
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To cite this article
Y. Tamam, C. Tamam, B. Tamam, M. Ustundag, M. Orak, N. Tasdemir
Peripheral neuropathy after burn injury
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2013
Vol. 17 - N. 1 Suppl
Pages: 107-111