Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2000; 4 (5): 123-126

Conservative approach in the treatment of the biliary tract’s iatrogenic lesions

G. Sportelli, M. Crovaro, M. Mercuri*, A. Carrara, S. Giri, F. Fiocca

Department of Surgery Paride Stefanini, La Sapienza University – Rome (Italy)
* Istituto di Clinica Chirurgica Generale, Catholic University “Sacro Cuore” – Roma (Italy)

Abstract. – Iatrogenic lesions of the biliary tract have always represented a problem of real actuality in the abdominal surgery. The incidence of post-cholecystectomy complications is from 0.1% to 0.25% and it’s increased to 0.3-0.6% for laparoscopic surgery. Potential predisposing factors to iatrogenic biliary lesions are anatomic anomalies, acute and chronic phlogosis and technical mistakes. Anatomic anomalies are present in 6-25% of all cases according to different statistics; an incomplete knowledge of the biliary tract can predispose to a mistake legating or dissecting a wrong branch. This paper present a caseload of 27 patients admitted to our Service of Digestive Endoscopy owing to post laparoscopic cholecystectomy complications. Patients have been recruited in a period from two days to six months to the intervention. Detected complicances have been divided in “major”, which comprehended biliary lesions (7 cases) and biliary stenosis (8 cases), and in “minor” which included biliary leakages (12 cases). CPRE, PTC, Ultrasound, CT and cholangio-MR were used to diagnose the biliary damage. Conservative approach has been resolutive in all patients with minor biliary lesions and in three cases of major lesions; in seven cases of biliary stenosis endoscopic-radiologic combined treatment has been successfully performed, in the other patients surgical operation was obliged choice. Comparing our results with literature we can affirm that conservative treatment represents the first choice in case of minor lesions (100% of successes), whereas in case of major biliary lesions it constitutes a valid alternative to the reparative surgery; when surgical option results impossible to defer, it can help the surgeon identifying the damage and draining the biliary tract.

To cite this article

G. Sportelli, M. Crovaro, M. Mercuri*, A. Carrara, S. Giri, F. Fiocca
Conservative approach in the treatment of the biliary tract’s iatrogenic lesions

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2000
Vol. 4 - N. 5
Pages: 123-126