Therapeutic approach of carcinoid tumours of the lung
M. Ruggieri, F. Scocchera, M. Genderini, A. Mascaro, A. Paolini M. Ruggieri, F. Scocchera, M. Genderini, A. Mascaro, A. Paolini
Abstract. – In the carcinoid tumours of the bronchopulmonary tract surgical resection is still the primary goal. Many problems are, however, unclear: the extent of resection, formal lymph node dissection or not, the role of Video- Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS) and of the multidisciplinary approach. In the Department of Surgical Sciences and Applied Medical Technologies, “La Sapienza”, Rome’s University, from 1969 to 1994, we observed 18 patients with carcinoid tumours of the lung: 13 typical carcinoid (TC) and 5 atypical carcinoid (AC). In our series, the choice of therapeutic procedure was made on the basis of histological criteria and TNM classification. We performed 3 conservative and 10 extensive resections on typical carcinoid and 5 extensive resections on atypical carcinoid tumours. In our series VATS played a minor therapeutic role. Formal lymph node dissection was carried out on all our patients except in the cases of those with typical carcinoid tumours without enlarged hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes. The efficacy of adjuvant chemoterapy in carcinoid tumours treatment is controversial and will be confirmed by further trials. In bronchial carcinoid tumours the long-term prognosis is excellent. In our series the ten-year survival rate is 77 percent in typical carcinoid and 40 percent in atypical carcinoid cases.

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M. Ruggieri, F. Scocchera, M. Genderini, A. Mascaro, A. Paolini
Therapeutic approach of carcinoid tumours of the lung
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2000
Vol. 4 - N. 1
Pages: 43-46