Preclinical pharmacokinetic study of a novel lipid-lowering agent, IMM-H007
Z.-L. Zhang, W.-Q. Liu, X.-Z. Deng Department of Pharmacy, Linyi City People’s Hospital, Linyi, China.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the pharmacokinetic characteristics of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion in vivo after oral administration and sublingual venous injection of the small molecule IMM-H007 in hamsters.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pharmacokinetic characteristics, including absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, were studied in vivo by LC-MS/MS after oral administration and sublingual venous injection of IMM-H007 in hamsters. Furthermore, IMM-H007 stability in artificial gastric juices, artificial intestinal juices, and Tris-HCl buffer was also analyzed.
RESULTS: There was no significant matrix or impurity interference in golden hamster whole blood as shown using MS/MS analysis to detect the existence of these substances. IMM-H007, Ml, and MP exhibited good linearity in the range of 1-500 ng/mL, 2-1000 ng/mL, and 10-5000 ng/mL, respectively. The matrix effect was 71.93-105.49%, and IMM-H007, M1, and MP were stable during the process of sample disposal. These results illustrate that the HPLC MS/MS analytic method is simple, reliable, and sensitive and exhibits high specificity and which meets the clinical pharmacokinetic requirements of IMM-H007. IMM-H007 is rapidly absorbed through the oral route in hamsters. The Cmax and AUC(0-t) of the Ml and MP metabolites in male and female hamsters were increased with increasing dosage and were proportional to the dose. In addition, T1/2 and MRT(0-t) were significantly prolonged with increasing dosage, exhibiting linear dynamic characteristics and no significant gender differences. Bioavailability in male and female golden hamsters after oral administration of IMM-H007 was calculated using the sum of Ml and MP, resulting in 6.97% and 8.95%, respectively. IMM-H007 and its metabolites were stable in Tris-HCl buffer, artificial gastric juices, and artificial intestinal juices.
CONCLUSIONS: We provide an experimental basis for elucidating the material pharmacodynamics actions of IMM-H007 and predicting its potential drug interactions.
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To cite this article
Z.-L. Zhang, W.-Q. Liu, X.-Z. Deng
Preclinical pharmacokinetic study of a novel lipid-lowering agent, IMM-H007
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2018
Vol. 22 - N. 24
Pages: 8939-8950
DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_201812_16664