Cardiac magnetic resonance in systemic sclerosis patients with cardiac symptoms
A. Meduri, D.V. Di Molfetta, L. Natale, R. Manfredi Department of Bioimages and Radiological Sciences, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic Foundation, School of Medicine, Rome, Italy.
OBJECTIVE: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by widespread vascular lesions and skin and internal organs fibrosis, including the heart; all cardiac layers, endocardium, myocardium, and pericardium, may be involved. We report the relevance of cardiac MRI findings in scleroderma patients with cardiac symptoms.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: 50 patients, all fulfilling the ACR SSc criteria (19 with limited and 31 with diffused skin involvement) were evaluated using a 1.5T MR scanner. Images were acquired before and after contrast medium administration; the exams were considered positive with one or more of these findings: enlarged volumes, reduced EF, regional kinetic anomalies, edema, DE or pericardial effusion.
RESULTS: 40 patients (80%) had one or more cardiac abnormalities: 5 patients had myocardial edema; 2 an increased interventricular septum thickness; 22 dilated ventricles or reduced EF; 12 an abnormal regional ventricular motion (2 of these with akinetic segments); 17 a delayed enhancement with different patterns, all without coronary distribution; 22 a pericardial effusion
CONCLUSIONS: Pathologic findings were documented in 80% of the cases confirming a high occurrence of abnormal MR data. Myocardial involvement in systemic sclerosis can be assumed by the presence of multiple pathologic MRI findings. CMR seems to be a valuable tool to identify and assess the presence of cardiac involvement.
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A. Meduri, D.V. Di Molfetta, L. Natale, R. Manfredi
Cardiac magnetic resonance in systemic sclerosis patients with cardiac symptoms
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2017
Vol. 21 - N. 21
Pages: 4797-4803