Mirtogenol® supplementation in association with dorzolamide-timolol or latanoprost improves the retinal microcirculation in asymptomatic patients with increased ocular pressure
C. Gizzi, P. Torino-Rodriguez, G. Belcaro, S. Hu, M. Hosoi, B. Feragalli DIBINEM, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. corradogizzi@gmail.com
OBJECTIVE: Supplementation with Mirtogenol® improves the retinal microcirculation and reduces intraocular pressure (IOP) in ocular hypertension, when administrated either alone or in association with an ophthalmic solution (latanoprost). In this study, microcirculatory parameters (perfusion of the circle of Zinn-Haller and retinal circulation) and oxidative stress were tested to assess the effects of Mirtogenol® plus traditional antihypertensive drugs in patients with elevated IOP.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: 88 otherwise healthy patients with increased IOP were followed-up in a supplement registry for 12 weeks. Three groups received; (a) dorzolamide-timolol plus Mirtogenol®; (b) latanoprost drops plus Mirtogenol® or (c) latanoprost only. Oral supplementation consisted of two tablets/day of Mirtogenol® (80 mg of bilberry extract, Mirtoselect® plus 40 mg of Pycnogenol®). IOP, retinal blood flow, perfusion of the circle of Zinn-Haller, and oxidative stress were measured during the registry period.
RESULTS: The three study groups were comparable; IOP and ocular blood flow velocity at inclusion were also comparable. Over the study period the decrease in IOP and the improvements in retinal microcirculation were statistically significant for all management groups, with a marginally more evident benefit in Mirtogenol®+latanosprost-treated patients. At 12 weeks, the altered perfusion at the circle of Zinn-Haller was improved in all groups; patients using Mirtogenol® showed a better perfusional pattern compared with subjects using only latanoprost. A reduction in oxidative stress was observed in supplemented subjects at the end of the study period; no significant change was seen in non-supplemented patients. All managements were well-tolerated without side effects.
CONCLUSIONS: Supplementation with Mirtogenol®, in addition to local ophthalmic treatments, is safe and may contribute as a supplementary management to reach a normal IOP and ocular microcirculatory parameters.
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C. Gizzi, P. Torino-Rodriguez, G. Belcaro, S. Hu, M. Hosoi, B. Feragalli
Mirtogenol® supplementation in association with dorzolamide-timolol or latanoprost improves the retinal microcirculation in asymptomatic patients with increased ocular pressure
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2017
Vol. 21 - N. 20
Pages: 4720-4725