Contribution of electron microscopy to study in vitro inositol effects on human spermatozoa
M. Colone, A. Calcabrini, V. Unfer, A. Stringaro National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy.
Infertility is a worldwide problem and male partner contributes to almost 30% of cases of infertility. The term oligoasthenoteratospermia is related to defective spermatogenesis and is characterized by a reduction of motility and number of spermatozoa and a change in their morphology. Electron microscopes are frequently used in order to evaluate sperm pathology and overall to establish a correlation between structural and functional deficiencies of altered sperm. High levels of reactive oxygen species endanger sperm function and viability. The correlation between male infertility, reactive oxygen species levels and the innovative therapeutic strategy employing inositol has been highlighted through analysis of literature data.
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M. Colone, A. Calcabrini, V. Unfer, A. Stringaro
Contribution of electron microscopy to study in vitro inositol effects on human spermatozoa
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2017
Vol. 21 - N. 2 Suppl
Pages: 4-9