Pilonidal sinus disease and tuberculosis
P. J. Gupta Fine Morning Hospital and Research Center, Laxminagar, Nagpur (India)
Abstract. – Pilonidal disease is a disease of young people, usually men, which can result in an abscess, draining sinus tracts, and moderate debility for some. It probably results from hair penetration beneath the skin, for reasons that are not totally clear. A pilonidal sinus in the sacrococcygeal region is associated with recurrent infection, abscess formation, cellulitis, and fistulae. The infection is usually chronic and non-specific. However, few reports of granulomatous infection like tuberculosis and actinomycosis in pilonidal sinus have been observed. The presentation of tuberculosis in these sinuses may have wide forms, with atypical and uncharacteristic clinical picture, making it difficult to make a diagnosis preoperatively.
This paper discusses about pilonidal sinus disease and tubercular infiltration in these sinuses. The diagnosis of tuberculosis in pilonidal sinus disease is elusive, necessitating a high index of suspicion. The literature on the tubercular affliction of pilonidal sinus is scant. Novel diagnostic modalities such as adenosine deaminase levels and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be useful in doubtful situations. Physicians should obtain a thorough history focusing on risk behaviors for human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) and tuberculosis.
Treatment comprises of standard regimen of antitubercular medication and a modest surgical approach towards the sinuses.
Corresponding Author: Pravin J. Gupta, MS; e-mail: drpjg@yahoo.co.in

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To cite this article
P. J. Gupta
Pilonidal sinus disease and tuberculosis
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2012
Vol. 16 - N. 1
Pages: 19-24