Methanolic extract of Lupinus Termis ameliorates DNA damage in alloxan-induced diabetic mice
A.A. Farghaly, Z.M. Hassan* Department of Genetics and Cytology and *Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, National Research Center, Dokki Tahrir Street, Giza (Egypt)
Diet therapy is showing a bright future in the therapy of diabetes mellitus (DM). The seeds of Lupinus termis are used in the Middle East and Africa as food and in folklore medicine. In traditional medicine, the seeds are reputed to be effective for diabetes. The aim of this work was to evaluate the antigenotoxic effect of Lupinus termis methanolic extract (LTE) against DM oxidative stress.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The analysis of micronuclei (MN) and chromosomal aberrations are accurate cytogenetic techniques used to show chromosomal damage caused by clastogenic affects. The present study was designed to evaluate: (1) the effects of DM on bone marrow MN frequency and chromosomal aberrations, (2) the effect of oral treatment by gavage of LTE on MN frequency and chromosomal aberrations produced by DM.
RESULTS: Frequencies of MN and chromosomal aberrations have been significantly increased in diabetic mice compared with the normal mice (p < 0.05). LTE at a dose 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg b.wt. for 15 days groups treatment in diabetic mice were significantly decreased MN frequency and chromosomal aberrations in a dose dependent manner.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that LTE is a suitable agent for preventing DM-induced DNA damage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on LTE having a potential diabetes-associated DNA damage-protecting activity in vivo.
Corresponding Author: Ayman A. Farghaly, MD; e-mail:

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To cite this article
A.A. Farghaly, Z.M. Hassan*
Methanolic extract of Lupinus Termis ameliorates DNA damage in alloxan-induced diabetic mice
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2012
Vol. 16 - N. 3 Suppl
Pages: 126-132