Treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection in Lombardia: a report by the Lombardia Hepatitis Network
A. Aghemo, R. Bruno, M. Colombo, M. Medagli, M. Puoti, G. Rizzardini, S. Fagiuoli; on behalf of the Lombardia Hepatitis Network Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano, Milan, Italy.
The arrival of potent directly acting antivirals (DAAs) for the treatment of chronic Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was a challenge for the regional health system of the Lombardia Region. Lombardia represents roughly 8% of the Italian territory but includes nearly 16% of the Italian population. In 2014, nearly 37,600 HCV patients were routinely followed-up in liver centers across the region; nearly 16,000 were classified as having advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis (Metavir F3-F4). The creation of a regional network was necessary to ensure uniformity in treatment access and treatment management. The first database analysis of the Lombardia Hepatitis Network was conducted in January 2016, and included data on 2432 patients who had received treatment from December 2014 to December 2015. The most prevalent HCV genotypes were HCV-1 found in 63% and HCV-3 found in 17%. Overall 90.4% patients achieved an SVR, SVR rates were 92.9% in HCV-1, 89.3% in HCV-2, 81.1% in HCV-3 and 88.9% in HCV-4.
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A. Aghemo, R. Bruno, M. Colombo, M. Medagli, M. Puoti, G. Rizzardini, S. Fagiuoli; on behalf of the Lombardia Hepatitis Network
Treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection in Lombardia: a report by the Lombardia Hepatitis Network
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2016
Vol. 20 - N. 1 Suppl
Pages: 17-19