HCV – Estimation of the number of diagnosed patients eligible to the new anti-HCV therapies in Italy
I. Gardini, M. Bartoli, M. Conforti, F.S. Mennini, A. Marcellusi, E. Lanati EpaC Onlus, Italian Liver Patient Association, Italy. gardini@epac.it
OBJECTIVE: The present research wants to take a picture of the current epidemiological scenario regarding HCV infection in Italy. Studies used to estimate HCV burden of illness in Italy were so far local and performed a number of years ago, not mirroring the state of the art. EpaC wanted to provide a real number of diagnosed patients, eligible to new anti-HCV therapies.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: EpaC is the most important Italian NGO for hepatopathic patients. A number of sources were cross-checked. Starting from all regional data regarding HCV-related exemptions, a correction/integration was performed with online questionnaire to associated patients (from which we derived patients cured and also other/no exemptions); survey to all prescribing centers in Italy (from which we derived the percentage of ineligible patients); prevalence of particular subpopulations was also collected (prisoners and HIV/HCV coinfected); calculations of new diagnosed, dead and cured patients in 2015. Excluded patients were illegal immigrants and active drug addicts (subpopulations currently rarely cured).
RESULTS: A total of 221,549 patients were derived from regional exemptions databases and the mean national prevalence was 0.364%. Adding patients without exemptions/other exemptions, total was 308,624. We deducted the yearly deaths, cured and not eligible patients and, last, integrated with coinfected and prisoner special groups. Prevalence was also estimated at regional level, highlighting a reduction of the typical North-to-South prevalence gradient. Applying the above-mentioned corrections/integrations, total diagnosed and eligible HCV patients in Italy who can be immediately cured are supposed to range 163,148-187,756.
CONCLUSIONS: This is a research aimed at filling an informative gap able to provide useful actual information in terms of HCV patients real-life management and future resource allocation. These data may be considered the basis for policy- and decision-makers to plan and manage patients ready to be cured. The research does not provide information on patients not yet diagnosed.
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To cite this article
I. Gardini, M. Bartoli, M. Conforti, F.S. Mennini, A. Marcellusi, E. Lanati
HCV – Estimation of the number of diagnosed patients eligible to the new anti-HCV therapies in Italy
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2016
Vol. 20 - N. 1 Suppl
Pages: 7-10