A novel lecithin based delivery form of Boswellic acids (Casperome®) for the management of osteo-muscular pain: a registry study in young rugby players
F. Franceschi, S. Togni, G. Belcaro, M. Dugall, R. Luzzi, A. Ledda, L. Pellegrini, R. Eggenhoffner, L. Giacomelli Indena SpA, Milan, Italy. cardres@abol.it
OBJECTIVE: Several experimental studies and clinical trials support the potential of Boswellia serrata extracts (BSE) for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases. The aim of this registry study was to assess the safety and the efficacy of a novel lecithin-based delivery form of Boswellia serrata extract (Casperome®) in the supportive management of osteo-muscular pain.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: 52 healthy young rugby players with acute knee pain and inflammation were recruited. Informed participants freely decided to follow either a standard management (SM) to control joint pain (control group = 27) or SM associated with oral daily supplementation with Casperome® (supplement group =25). Parameters associated with osteo-muscular pain and inflammation, and measurements of joint health and functions were assessed at the inclusion and after a 4-week supplementation.
RESULTS: A significant beneficial effect of Casperome® vs SM alone was observed for all the parameters evaluated, namely: local pain on effort; pain-free walking distance (treadmill test); minimal joint effusion; structural damage (joint, tendons, muscles) and intramuscular hematomas; thermal imaging of the anterior knee; Visual Analog Scale for Pain (VAS Pain); need for concomitant drugs and medical attention; measurement of inflammatory biomarkers.
CONCLUSIONS: Our registry study suggests that Casperome® supplementation could represent an effective and safe, integrated approach for the treatment of osteo-muscular pain and inflammation.
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F. Franceschi, S. Togni, G. Belcaro, M. Dugall, R. Luzzi, A. Ledda, L. Pellegrini, R. Eggenhoffner, L. Giacomelli
A novel lecithin based delivery form of Boswellic acids (Casperome®) for the management of osteo-muscular pain: a registry study in young rugby players
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2016
Vol. 20 - N. 19
Pages: 4156-4161