Differential studies of ovarian endometriosis cells from endometrium or oviduct
W. Liu, H.-Y. Wang Reproductive Center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, Anhui, China. chkzwvsefe@163.com
OBJECTIVE: To study the prominent differences between endometriosis (EMT) cells derived from ovary, oviduct and endometrium, and to provided new ideas about the pathogenesis of endometriosis.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: From June 2010 to June 2015, 210 patients diagnosed with endometriosis were enrolled in our study. Patients were treated by laparoscopy or conventional surgeries in our hospital. Ovarian chocolate cyst and paired normal ovarian tissues, fimbriated extremity of fallopian and uterine cavity endomembrane tissues were collected, prepared and observed by microscope. PCR was used for amplification of target genes (FMO3 and HOXA9) and Western blot was used to evaluate FMO3 and HOXA9 expression levels.
RESULTS: In 95 cases, endometriosis cells were derived from oviduct epithelial. In 110 cases, endometriosis cells were derived from the endometrium, and in 5 cases it was derived from the ovary itself. FMO3 gene transcription and protein expression were higher in oviduct cells while HOXA9 gene transcription and protein expression were higher in endometrial cells. In 89 cases the endometriosis cells were derived from oviduct epithelial and in 113 cases endometriosis cells were derived from the endometrium. Protein levels indicated that endometriosis cells in 85 cases were derived from oviduct epithelial and in 116 cases were derived from the endometrium.
CONCLUSIONS: A large number of ovarian endometriosis cells were derived from oviduct epithelial.
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W. Liu, H.-Y. Wang
Differential studies of ovarian endometriosis cells from endometrium or oviduct
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2016
Vol. 20 - N. 13
Pages: 2769-2772