Complete atrioventricular block caused by Mad Honey intoxication
H. Oguzturk, O. Ciftci, M.G. Turtay, S. Yumrutepe Department of Emergency Medicine and Department of Pharmaceutical Toxicology, School of Medicine, University of Inonu, Malatya, Turkey.
The honey produced by the bees fed on Rhododendron family plants containing grayanotoxin is known as mad honey in our country. This intoxication is seen rarely. However, it may lead life-threatening hemoinstability mentioned above and may be confused with various diseases. For these reasons the exact diagnosis and treatment of this intoxication seems very important. We aim to describe a case admitted to the Emergency Department in consequence of mad honey intoxication and treated and discharged after hypotension and complete atrioventricular block development.
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To cite this article
H. Oguzturk, O. Ciftci, M.G. Turtay, S. Yumrutepe
Complete atrioventricular block caused by Mad Honey intoxication
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2012
Vol. 16 - N. 12
Pages: 1748-1750