Anti-inflammatory effects exerted by Killox®, an innovative formulation of food supplement with curcumin, in urology
V. Cosentino, A. Fratter, M. Cosentino Private Hospital “Regina Pacis”, San Cataldo (CL), Italy.
OBJECTIVE: In this Open Controlled Trial we administered an innovative formulation of food supplement with curcumin (Killox®) to test its efficacy, safety and compatibility with other drugs, in the therapy of post-surgery complications of transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) and transurethral resection of bladder (TURB), and in the prevention of late complications. Furthermore, Killox® effects were verified in subjects with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Killox® was administered to 40 TURP patients for 20 days, to 10 TURB patients for 10 days and to 30 BPH patients for 60 days. The study was an open controlled trial, approved by the internal Review Board, with a completely independent set of retrospective observations.
RESULTS: In the subjects who underwent surgery the treatment warded off postoperative and late complications, whereas among controls, without anti-inflammatory therapy after surgery until one week later, 21 (52.5%) out of 40 TURP subjects and 4 (40%) out of 10 TURB subjects were still found with symptoms of inflammation and urinary burning, and they had to be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for seven days. Moreover among controls 2 in TURP group presented an urethral stricture, and no one in TURB group. Killox® patients did not report any adverse effect and the therapy was well tolerated, instead among 21 control subjects, who were treated with NSAIDs, 7 reported nausea and epigastric pain. Also in BPH patients the product was effective in a satisfying manner, shortening the duration of irritation symptoms. Noteworthy, Killox® administration did not modify the efficacy of the other treatments. The effect of Killox® was found statistically significant vs controls.
CONCLUSIONS: The therapeutic activity and safety of Killox® in urology allow physicians to administer a new efficient product in substitution of NSAIDs.
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V. Cosentino, A. Fratter, M. Cosentino
Anti-inflammatory effects exerted by Killox®, an innovative formulation of food supplement with curcumin, in urology
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2016
Vol. 20 - N. 7
Pages: 1390-1398