Effectiveness and safety of cabazitaxel chemotherapy for metastatic castration-resistant prostatic carcinoma on Turkish patients (The Anatolian Society of Medical Oncology)
A. Süner, D. Aydın, M.B. Hacıoğlu, G.G. Doğu, G.İ. İmamoğlu, S. Menekşe, K.N. Pilancı, Ö.K. Yazıcı, D. Koca, M. Karaağaç, M. Akyol, T. Akman, S. Ergen, N. Avcı, T. Kaçan, O. Bozkurt, U. Kefeli, Z. Urakçı, M. Araz, E. Arpacı, H. Harputlu, A. Sevinç Medical Oncology, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey. dralisuner@hotmail.com
OBJECTIVE: Prostate cancer is among the most common cancers in males. Prostate cancer is androgen dependent in the beginning, but as time progresses, it becomes refractory to androgen deprivation treatment. At this stage, docetaxel has been used as standard treatment for years. Cabazitaxel has become the first chemotherapeutic agent which has been shown to increase survival for patients with metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC) that progresses after docetaxel. Phase 3 TROPIC study demonstrated that cabazitaxel prolongs survival.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study, we evaluated a total of 103 patients who took cabazitaxel chemotherapy for mCRPC diagnosis in 21 centers of Turkey, retrospectively. This study included patients who progressed despite docetaxel treatments, had ECOG performance score between 0-2, and used cabazitaxel treatment. Patients received cabazitaxel 25 mg/m2 at every 3 weeks, and prednisolone 5 mg twice a day.
RESULTS: Median number of cabazitaxel cures was 5.03 (range: 1-17). Cabazitaxel response evaluation detected that 34% of the patients had a partial response, 22.3% had stable disease and 32% had a progressive disease. Grade 3-4 hematological toxicities were neutropenia (28.2%), neutropenic fever (14.5%), anemia (6.7%), and thrombocytopenia (3.8%). In our study, median progression-free survival (PFS) was 7.7 months and overall survival (OS) was 10.6 months.
CONCLUSIONS: This study reflects toxicity profile of Turkish patients as a Caucasian race. We suggest that cabazitaxel is a safe and effective treatment option for mCRPC patients who progress after docetaxel. Moreover, ethnicity may play important roles both in treatment response and in toxicity profile.
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A. Süner, D. Aydın, M.B. Hacıoğlu, G.G. Doğu, G.İ. İmamoğlu, S. Menekşe, K.N. Pilancı, Ö.K. Yazıcı, D. Koca, M. Karaağaç, M. Akyol, T. Akman, S. Ergen, N. Avcı, T. Kaçan, O. Bozkurt, U. Kefeli, Z. Urakçı, M. Araz, E. Arpacı, H. Harputlu, A. Sevinç
Effectiveness and safety of cabazitaxel chemotherapy for metastatic castration-resistant prostatic carcinoma on Turkish patients (The Anatolian Society of Medical Oncology)
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2016
Vol. 20 - N. 7
Pages: 1238-1243