Clinical application of solitaire AB stents in the embolization of intracranial aneurysms
Y.-F. Cui, H. Xu, H.-T. Liu, Y. Wang Department of Interventional Radiology, The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou, China.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical value of Solitaire AB stents in the embolization of intracranial aneurysms.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Solitaire AB stents were applied in treating 69 aneurysms in 65 patients. Among them, there were 67 “wide neck” aneurysms and two “narrow neck” aneurysms. Of the 69 aneurysms, there were 40 aneurysms in the posterior communicating artery, 13 in the ophthalmic artery segment, one in the cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery, three in the middle cerebral artery, one in the anterior communicating artery, eight in the vertebral artery, and three in the basilar artery. The treatment techniques used included transposition, parallel technique, post-release technique, and salvage stenting.
RESULTS: Immediate angiographic results showed complete thrombosis in 63 cases, residual aneurysm neck in two cases and partial embolism in four cases. Intraoperative aneurysm rupture was found in two cases, of which bleeding was stopped with continued filling. Postoperative hydrocephalus cerebrospinal fluid shunt was performed in one case. Coil shift was observed in two cases. No further bleeding cases occurred during the clinical follow-up. Of 14 patients who had undergone angiographic follow-up, three cases had recurrence and one case received re-embolization.
CONCLUSIONS: Solitaire AB stent is clinically feasible when applied for the embolization of intracranial aneurysms using multiple techniques and, thus, warrants clinical promotion.
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Y.-F. Cui, H. Xu, H.-T. Liu, Y. Wang
Clinical application of solitaire AB stents in the embolization of intracranial aneurysms
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2015
Vol. 19 - N. 7
Pages: 1227-1233