Systemic granulomatosis after surgical injection of silicone oil for retinal detachment in a child affected by Fisher-Evans syndrome
F. Del Bufalo, A. Mastronuzzi, R. De Vito, A. Lombardi, B. Bernardi, M.G. Cefalo, F. Locatelli Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Silicone oil is used for complicated retinal detachment, but it can be associated with relevant side effects. We report a 6-year-old South American female admitted to our hospital with steroid-resistant Fisher-Evans syndrome. She also had developed a retinal detachment, managed with intravitreal oil injection. During treatment for Fisher-Evans syndrome, she progressively developed recurrent and refractory bronchospasm, peaks of hypereosinophilia and orbital soft-tissue swelling. Despite the persistent negativity of all microbiologic tests, she was treated empirically with antibiotics. Failure of the treatment led to the execution of a biopsy of the periocular tissue that revealed an intense polymorphous infiltrate constituted by numerous monoclonal population (FR2 monoclonality) of plasma-cells. A diagnosis of lymphoma with plasmacytoid differentiation was suspected and cytotoxic treatment was started without response. For the appearance of swelling in left parotid and laterocervical region, an excisional biopsy was performed and a diagnosis of granulomatous reaction to ocular implant of silicone oil was made. In consideration of the clinical evolution, enucleation was considered, but parents did not consent to the procedure until the child developed cerebral lesions suspected to be silicone localizations. After enucleation, eosinophilic count normalized and the child no longer presented any new episode of fever or swelling.
CONCLUSIONS: In this patient a granulomatous reaction is present at distance from the site of oil injection. This case suggests caution in using this substance even in ocular diseases, especially in immunocompromised patients.
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F. Del Bufalo, A. Mastronuzzi, R. De Vito, A. Lombardi, B. Bernardi, M.G. Cefalo, F. Locatelli
Systemic granulomatosis after surgical injection of silicone oil for retinal detachment in a child affected by Fisher-Evans syndrome
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci
Year: 2015
Vol. 19 - N. 3
Pages: 375-380